GAP Assessment

The GAP Assessment option is a detailed effort to baseline and map the current delivery models for all in-scope services and departments. Opportunities identified must be easily implementable and require little or no capital and management resources.

This option spans twelve to sixteen weeks and targets the identification of approximately 10%-20% of the Facility & Non-Core Operations Total Operating Expense. The product of this effort is a clean financial understanding of what is being spent and an exhaustive inventory of the improvement opportunities.

The GAP Assessment consists of several unique strategies that address specific areas of concerns.

  • Facilities & Core Engineering
  • Hospitality Services
  • Business Support Services

This offering provides: 

  • The cost, configuration and profile across the enterprise
  • The service level requirements as well as the management efficiency
  • The opportunities for improvement based on the organization’s constraints
GAP Assessment Process Infographic

Site Summary

A spend matrix is a combination of corporate data sets including facilities lists, accounts payable, and IT inventories. The spend matrix is used to baseline expenses and delivery models by IT categories

Site Summary - Laptop Mockup
Spend Matrix - Laptop Mockup

Spend Matrix

Our team will use the spend matrix in coordination with Varisource marketplace data to estimate and identify process improvement and cost reduction initiatives by category.


What-if scenario planning and forecasting based on the selected projects that best fit into current organizational resources and constraints

GlidePath - Laptop Mockup

Site Operations Profile

Our team will use the spend matrix in coordination with Varisource marketplace data to estimate and identify process improvement and cost reduction initiatives by category

For more information on the GAP Assessment