
A data-driven approach to operational cost improvements. The key elements of our program includes value assessment, business case development and justification, implementation and savings validation.

The secret of success

TPCG Automotive’s Cost Optimization Services

Challenges and Solutions

TPCG Automotive’s Cost Optimization Services targets manufacturing organizations to aid in the development of Facility and Technical Operations Strategies, Long-Range Planning and Implementation/Action Plans to drive the roadmap to realize improvements and savings.


  • Automotive manufacturing plants face critical cost optimization challenges in their facility operations and maintenance practices, severely impacting their bottom line and competitive edge.
  • These cost pressures are exacerbated by the need to maintain an aging infrastructure while adapting to rapidly evolving production demands and stringent regulatory requirements.
  • The struggle to balance immediate cost-cutting measures with long-term efficiency improvements creates a complex financial landscape.


Unlike other firms that charge for their assessment activities, we provide a “No Risk” Operational Cost Assessment, as well as a Performance-Based Fee Model.

  • Performing a Value Assessment of specific facility and business operations
  • Performing on an implementation pace and priority determined by the client
  • Providing an On-Site Program Management Team
  • Development of a comprehensive business case, thorough implementation, and rigorous savings verification for each project, ensuring our clients’ confidence in the results.
  • Development of an infrastructure to manage changes and ensure savings are realized

Our Approach

TPCG Automotive’s Optimization aids clients in the development of long-range planning/road maps and implementation/ action plans to drive operational cost improvements and realize cost savings and profit enhancements.

  • Performance-based fee model
  • Value Assessment of specific areas or full facilities & non-core operations (FANCO)
  • Pace and priority determined by the client
  • Dedicated Program Management Team
  • Business case, implementation & savings verification for each project
  • Infrastructure to manage changes and ensure savings are realized

Our Value Proposition | Accelerated Impact on Savings 

Zero Risk Assessment

We deliver implemented measurable cost savings.

Self Funding Development & Implementation

Comprehensive cost analysis, justification & implementation of optimization strategies.

Client Define Criteria

Our success is measured solely by the actual savings we generate for your business.

Aligned Objectives

Our compensation aligns our goals with yours, it is a pay for performance model.

You Only Pay for Tangible Results … Not Promises

Our model is built on a partnership approach that aligns our success directly with your cost savings

What makes us different

We work alongside your team to identify, develop & execute cost optimization initiatives.

That means we don’t just provide recommendations; we actively contribute to the realization of savings and profit enhancements.

Focus in on measurable change not recommendations

Programs are focused on implementation client defined of technical, operational and financial validated projects.

You can be confident in our commitment to your success.

We demonstrate our confidence in our ability to deliver substantial value by shouldering the initial investment risk and tying our success to your outcomes.